Your plan to success

Your meal plan is exactly that, a plan to help you reach your goals.

Your meal plan is created just for you. It takes into account all of your dietary requirements, activity level and stats and creates a healthy meal plan.

To view your meal plan, click on the Meals tab.

Viewing a days meals

Everyday day has six meals that are calorie and portion-controlled: Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Pre-training, Dinner and Dessert. If your activity level is low you will have a snack in place of the Pre-training meal slot.

To view your meals for today swipe up and down on the screen.

Your weekly meal plan

Your meal plan is created for you seven days in advance.  This helps you plan for your meals ahead of time and let’s you know what to expect.

To view the other days meal plans you can either swipe left and right or tap on the day name tab at the bottom of the screen.

Meal Options

If you tap anywhere on a meal you will see the meals options.  From here you can view the recipe and also perform other commands like marking the as consumed or swap it for another meal.